The authentication URL of the current transaction.
The ID of the passkey to authenticate with.
A promise that resolves to an AuthenticateResponse containing a redirect URL and a message.
Authenticates using a FIDO2 passkey.
The authentication URL of the current transaction.
A promise that resolves to an AuthenticateResponse containing a redirect URL and a message.
Initiates authentication using an OTP, which will be sent to the provided email address.
The authentication URL of the current transaction.
The email address where the OTP will be sent.
A promise that resolves to an OtpChallengeResponse containing a URL with the state of the authentication.
Binds a passkey to this browser.
The URL to bind a passkey. This can either be a passkey binding link generated from a call to the Beyond Identity API or a passkey binding instruction from an email/sms.
A promise that resolves to a BindPasskeyResponse containing the bound passkey and the post-binding redirect URI.
Returns the Authentication Context for the current transaction. The Authentication Context contains the Authenticator Config, Authentication Method Configuration, request origin, and the authenticating application.
The authentication URL of the current transaction.
A promise that resolves to the Authentication Context.
Checks if the given URL is a bind passkey URL.
The URL to be checked. This can either be a passkey binding link generated from a call to the Beyond Identity API or a passkey binding instruction from an email/sms.
Returns true if the URL is a bind passkey URL, otherwise false.
Redeems an OTP for a grant code.
The authentication URL of the current transaction.
The OTP to redeem.
A promise that resolves to an AuthenticateResponse on success or an OtpChallengeResponse on failure.
Authenticates using specified BI Universal passkey bound to the browser.